
Unreal Tournament

You hear the word "Spam" tossed around a lot when playing Unreal Tournament, especially when playing the Excessive mod. Quite a few people think that just using a shock rifle or the goo gun is spam. This is not the case.

spam (spm) n.
Spam is not when one player beats a "more talented" player by a brutal onslaught (although some players seem to think so).

Spam specifically refers to saturating an area with firepower whether or not any opponents are present. More often than not this is used as a defensive measure.

 Flag rooms can be made really hard to enter.
 You can occasionally tag some very dangerous players this way.

 Excessive server lag by keeping the server busy tracking random, useless projectiles.
 Frustrate opponents into leaving the game.
 Lots of name calling.
 Bad reputation.

No spam

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